Tuesday, December 24, 2013

 Significant role of Maritime in India

Half of the world would starve and other half would freeze had it not been shipping - Efthimios Mitropoulos

The maritime industry plays a very significant role in the socio-economic development of any country. The common man has limited perception and appreciation of its influence and role as an essential element in terms of our overall development. In spite of 90% trade being carried out by ships, we choose to ignore the seas. And to highlight this very same fact we give you a very fine example. Ask a person on the street if he has heard of Microsoft and surely you will get an exuberant ‘YES’.

Ask the same person if he has heard of Maersk and he will give you a straight poker face. Maersk is one of the leading shipping companies and generates revenue equivalent to Microsoft.

Both the companies are on par with each other in terms of revenue generation and so as contribution to the economy. But still, we chose to ignore the latter.

We think of the seas as a simple blue patch as we pleasantly fly over it. The sea isn’t considered as an area of work or industry. The main reason for this attitude towards the Maritime Industry is not having proper and adequate knowledge about this industry. There is a lot more to shipping than what meets the eye. It goes beyond the seas.

The food on your plate, the clothes on your back, the gas in your car, the shoes on your feet; everything has made their way on a container on a ship on the seas and oceans. Maritime is a potential source of excellent employment and career opportunities, with several million people currently working in activities and companies directly and indirectly related to oceans and seas worldwide. Our lives aren’t just associated with shipping; their dependent on shipping, totally.

Without shipping, half the world would freeze and the other half will starve because grains would not be distributed from the points of origin to the points of consumption - Efthymios Mitropoulos.

Shipping practically is the mother industry which gives rise to all other industries.

It directly provides job opportunities for the millions and indirectly for the billions.

So let’s sum it up. Shipping is:

• The greenest Industry

• The cheapest mode of transport

• High generator of revenue

• High job opportunities provider

The Maritime Awareness Program society is all out to change this way of thinking.

MAPS, has been formed with the primary objective of promoting and spreading awareness about the maritime sector. We should no longer be known to the public just for pictures of dead birds lying in a pool of oil or a ship stranded on the beach. So come ahead and be a part of this society. Share your views and lets spread awareness about this industry.

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